

107年資訊月主題館,全球動力科技重磅發表,亞洲首創「Big x Reality 虛擬智能機械手臂體感整合飛行模擬器」成為XR技術先行者,超越3米720度巨型模擬系統帶來創新視覺與體感震撼!戴上VR眼鏡,乘坐模擬器,從太空出發飛越台北,藍天咫尺,鳥兒伴飛。

感謝新聞媒體業界採訪,各部會長官、來賓蒞臨,以及現場排隊的民眾,爭相踴躍體驗最新科技,真實感受 Robot VR 馳乘於空中模擬飛行的獨特魅力。

全球動力科技致力於 XR 延展實境於各產業上,虛擬應用技術的研發與整合,滿足使用者真實體驗及創造產業 XR 解決方案。應用領域有軍警、交通、公共安全領域。此次發表之機械手臂模擬系統可在三維空間內自由翻轉,超越傳統模擬器的限制,大幅提高感官真實體驗。

Big x Reality showed a flight simulator, which integrated the virtual intelligent robotic arm with XR technologies. The giant flight simulator with 3 meters high and 720-degree spin created the new vision and somatosensory. With VR content, the passenger will fly from space to Taipei.

Thanks for everyone being excited to try the latest technology and experience the Robot VR simulating the immersive fly feeling.

Big x Reality is committed to applying XR to various industries. The R&D and integration of virtual application technologies can satisfy users’ real experience and create industrial XR solutions, especially in the military, transportation, and public safety. The robotic arm simulation released can be flipped freely in three-dimensional space, surpassing the limitations of traditional simulators, which greatly improving the real sensory experience.