
Oculus Quest- Hand Tracking TEST 手勢追蹤技術實測

全球動力科技的XR技術開發總監親身實測Oculus Quest最新「手勢追蹤」技術。在我們開發的Demo情境,使用者可脫離手把與電腦主機的拘束,自由地完成移動、手部動作以及與虛擬陳列物的互動,達到虛實同步的一致性。手勢追蹤技術可讓使用者直覺性的用手抓取物件和操作按鈕等,進一步提升「人機一體」不受拘束的高度自由感。


The Director of XR Technical Development from Big x Reality has completed testing the latest “Hand Tracking” technology developed by Oculus Quest, which will not be restricted by controllers and computers. In the scenario we developed, the users can complete their body movement, hand action, and interaction with virtual stuff consistently in real-time. Users can intuitively act and grab stuff by hand tracking, which reinforces the immersive experience and flexibility.

How to elevate the reality of training simulators is always the key of development at Big x Reality. With the upgrade of interaction and sensing technology, we are excited about the application of VR training simulator in the future!